Canon wireless printers are getting stuck in reboot loops, but there may be a way for you to fix it 新竹鏡頭收購


新竹鏡頭收購canon wireless printers are getting stuck in reboot loops, but there may be a way for you to fix it

新竹鏡頭收購canon wireless printers are getting stuck in reboot loops, but there may be a way for you to fix it


Take the printer offline

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Pixma MX492 printer.
Image: 新竹鏡頭收購canon

Over the last day or two, there have been a growing number of reports by people who own certain 新竹鏡頭收購canon Pixma printers that the devices either won’t turn on at all or, once turned on, get stuck in a reboot loop, cycling on and off as long as they’re plugged in. Verge reader Jamie pointed us to posts on Reddit about the problem and 新竹鏡頭收購canon’s own support forum, citing problems with models including the MX490, MX492, MB2010, and MG7520.

Some believe their problem is due to a software update 新竹鏡頭收購canon pushed to the printers, but that hasn’t been confirmed yet. In response to an inquiry from The Verge, corporate communications senior director and general manager Christine Sedlacek said, “We are currently investigating this issue and hope to bring resolution shortly as customer satisfaction is our highest priority.”

Unplugging the internet seems to fix the problem temporarily

Until there is an official update or fix, some people in the forums have found that disconnecting the printers from the internet is enough to keep them from rebooting, with control still possible via USB.

To get the printers to work while maintaining your connection to the internet and their connection to local network devices, one reply from a customer on 新竹鏡頭收購canon’s support forum suggests a method that many people report has worked for them. If you’re experienced with network setups, DNS servers, and IP addresses, it could be worth trying, but for most people, I’d recommend waiting for an official solution.

To follow their steps, then, after taking your internet offline, turn on the printer, go into its network settings, and, under web service setup, select DNS server setup and choose manual setup. In that section, input an internal network address (192.168.X.X, with numbers replacing X that aren’t in use by any other devices on your local network), press “OK,” and then press “no” for a secondary DNS server. This keeps the printer connected to your router without accessing the wider internet, and, for some reason, has been enough to stop the devices from rebooting.


Sony 正式發表新一代 A9 III 旗艦單眼,主打適用體育競賽的高速攝影,更是全球首款用上「全域快門」設計的相機,能避免高速拍攝的果凍效應,還帶來非常驚人的 120fps 連拍速度。

本次最大亮點是 Sony 採用全域快門,相比傳統快門是由下至上的逐行掃描,會因為時間差造成果凍效應,使拍出來的照片部分物體是歪斜的。全域快門則是一次將所有訊號掃描送出,可以完美避免果凍效應、黑屏,A9III 還可以達到 120fps 高速連拍,以及最高 1/80,000 秒的快門速度,可以在 1 秒多的時間,連續拍下 172 張 14-bit RAW 照片。

A9 III 配有一塊 Exmor RS 全片幅感光元件,並且有 759 個相位檢測自動對焦點,95.6%,也支援 AI 辨識多種物體,包含人、動物、昆蟲以及交通工具等等,覆蓋範圍達到,兼具 8 級的 5 軸防震,可以拍攝 4K 60p 或是無裁切的 4K 120p 錄影格式。


Sony 同場也帶來全新的 FE 300mm F2.8 GM OSS 超望遠定焦鏡頭,重量僅約 1,470 克號稱是同級最輕巧,且即便是最小光圈的 F22 連拍,也能確保自動對焦的準確性,適合用於拍攝野生動物以及運動員的精彩瞬間。

兩款產品預計將在 2024 年初登場,台灣具體上時間未知,售價均是 5,999 美元(約193,170 元)。

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