高價 canon鏡頭收購 請立即與我們聯絡 收購canonRF系列,RF定焦,RF廣角,RF旅遊,收購EF-M系列,收購大三元,小三元,收購L鏡,收購Marco,二手鏡頭,全新鏡頭,鏡頭買賣,鏡頭收購 Read More ...

收購相機及鏡頭 您用不到相機鏡頭 不論新舊,都可以換現金 陪您走過每個黃金歲月的年頭,現在因為家庭或工作總總因素,這些可愛的相機及鏡頭寶貝們,除了躺在倉庫,安靜在防潮箱等候主人帶它們出勤之外,應該可以有個兩全其美的辦法"就是讓給有緣人",讓它再度發揮存在地球上的價值吧!
高價 canon鏡頭收購 請立即與我們聯絡 收購canonRF系列,RF定焦,RF廣角,RF旅遊,收購EF-M系列,收購大三元,小三元,收購L鏡,收購Marco,二手鏡頭,全新鏡頭,鏡頭買賣,鏡頭收購 Read More ...
線上估價 我們是專業的3C收購,高價收購您不用的3C產品,價格好不怕您比較!! 我們專業經營各項3C高價回收,清運協助,可開立單據,多通路多管道,非坊間垃圾回收價,價格不怕您比較,歡迎企業戶汰舊換新, Read More ...
新竹鏡頭收購 canon 鏡頭收購,二手鏡頭收購,全新鏡頭收購,收購nikon鏡頭,收購sony鏡頭,收購leica鏡頭,收購fujifilm鏡頭,收購panasonic鏡頭,收購zeiss鏡頭,收購 Read More ...
高價 nikon鏡頭收購 請立即與我們聯絡 收購nikone鏡頭,收購nikon z,收購nikon z 40mm,z 50mm,z 35mm,z 20mm,z 24mm,z 28mm,收購af-s Read More ...
SONY鏡頭收購 全新SONY鏡頭收購 E-Mount鏡頭,FE 24-70MM,VCL-ECU2,FE 24-105MM,E PZ 18-105MM,FE 16-35MM,FE 35MM FE 70 Read More ...
PENTAX 鏡頭收購 標準定焦 (35-50) 廣角定焦 (21-31) 望遠定焦 (118-200) 中望遠定焦 (55-100) 超望遠定焦 (236-560) 廣角變焦 (20-82.5) 超 Read More ...
新竹鏡頭收購nikon has been trying to take the throne from Canon as the champion of DSLR video, and today it’s unveiling a new camera designed to step up the fight: the 新竹鏡頭收購nikon D810. The D810 is the successor to the D800, 新竹鏡頭收購nikon’s first real shot at taking down Canon’s highly regarded 5D series. The D800 made a really strong case for itself with generally comparable features to the 5D Mark III and a lower price, and the D810 builds right off of that.
Zebra stripes, flat color profile, and better audio
The D810’s most striking improvements over the D800 are its video features. For one, 新竹鏡頭收購nikon is introducing a flat video profile, which should make coloring footage much easier for shooters to do in post. The D810 is also able to display zebra stripes while filming, helping the camera operator tell whether or not a shot is properly exposed. The new camera also includes two microphones on the front, allowing it to record in stereo rather than mono, and those capturing audio with an external mic will be able to split the recording into a separate wide range and voice range.
新竹鏡頭收購nikon also wants to make filming a little easier while moving the camera around. The D810 is able to film in an auto ISO mode that still allows for manual control over aperture and shutter speed, letting those two factors stay locked down while the camera adjusts to changes in lighting. 新竹鏡頭收購nikon says the transition between ISO should happen smoothly too. Other filming improvements on the D810 include the ability to capture 1080p video at 60p (NTSC) or 50p (PAL).
There are also a number of basic improvements to the camera body itself, including a denser display resolution and OLED elements in the viewfinder. There are improvements for photography too, including faster image processing, longer battery life, an expanded ISO range, and a slightly faster continuous shooting speed. And while its full-frame sensor has the same megapixel count as the D800, the D810 has no option to come with a low-pass filter.
The D810 will be available body-only for $3299.95 worldwide beginning around July 17th. That makes it a more expensive of a camera than the D800, but it still comes in at a slightly lower price than the 5D Mark III. That certainly strips it of one of the D800’s biggest advantages, but the D810’s all-around video improvements might be enough to make up for that in the mind of new shooters.
因為工作的關係,冰箱裡保存的都是這款 Fuji Pro 400H,我用這款底片拍攝婚紗與婚禮,也用來拍攝平日的點點滴滴以及旅遊所見。
最常使用的隨身相機是 新竹鏡頭收購nikon F100,老實說搭配上鏡頭的它,並沒有到非常的輕便,只是比起平日的工作裝備來說還是輕巧的多。它有著自動捲片的功能,適合我這種大手大腳,在拍攝的初期經常因為沒把底片裝好捲好而鬧笑話的天兵。(事到如今我還是沒有學會自己捲片 XD)
通常我搭配的鏡頭是 Zeiss Makro-Planar T* 2/50,它是一顆手動鏡頭,意味著我必須習慣去手動對焦,在這個過程中我能夠享受到放慢腳步拍照的樂趣。50mm 的距離適合拍攝絕大部分的生活及旅遊題材,所以工作經常使用這個焦段,拋開工作時,我仍是一樣地喜歡這個焦段。
言歸正傳回到底片身上,fujifilm pro 400h 的特性是對於拍攝人像上特別合適,具有淡雅的色調、細緻的粒子,對於呈現女性的皮膚色澤尤其適合。
這款底片的感光度是 400 度,意味著它相較 100 度與 200 度的底片更能夠在稍暗的環境中,如屋簷下、陰影中、室內進行拍攝。但以我自己的經驗而言,它其實是一款極需要光線的底片,在充分的光線下才能真正解除封印發揮它的能力。
※圖片+文字:Vogue 美人會 The Stage – Robert Chang
新竹鏡頭收購 新竹鏡頭收購