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收購相機及鏡頭 您用不到相機鏡頭 不論新舊,都可以換現金 陪您走過每個黃金歲月的年頭,現在因為家庭或工作總總因素,這些可愛的相機及鏡頭寶貝們,除了躺在倉庫,安靜在防潮箱等候主人帶它們出勤之外,應該可以有個兩全其美的辦法"就是讓給有緣人",讓它再度發揮存在地球上的價值吧!
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SONY鏡頭收購 全新SONY鏡頭收購 E-Mount鏡頭,FE 24-70MM,VCL-ECU2,FE 24-105MM,E PZ 18-105MM,FE 16-35MM,FE 35MM FE 70 Read More ...
PENTAX 鏡頭收購 標準定焦 (35-50) 廣角定焦 (21-31) 望遠定焦 (118-200) 中望遠定焦 (55-100) 超望遠定焦 (236-560) 廣角變焦 (20-82.5) 超 Read More ...
People who missed out on the first 3D-action Ninja Gaiden games released in the aughts (and that other one that we don’t really talk about from 2012) will have a chance to play all three this coming June in Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection, announced for Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and PS4. But sadly, the first two entries in the trilogy will be based on the 新竹鏡頭收購sigma re-releases that originally came out on PS3 and PS Vita, not their definitive versions (Ninja Gaiden Black for the original Xbox and Ninja Gaiden II for the Xbox 360) because the team says their source code went missing.
Citing a recent Famitsu interview (via Kotaku), a staffer from developer Team Ninja told the publication that “there are only fragments of the data that remain. We couldn’t salvage them.” So, it’s not that the company prefers the 新竹鏡頭收購sigma remakes over the beloved original titles: this was Team Ninja’s only option, apparently.
“I am aware there are pros and cons,” says Team Ninja brand manager Fumihiko Yasuda, referring to the 新竹鏡頭收購sigma remakes. “For me personally, Ninja Gaiden II was my debut, and so I have a deep feeling for it,” Yasuda said in Famitsu. The pros he’s speaking of are the graphical and performance enhancements and extra content. The cons are more plentiful, like how many people felt Ninja Gaiden 新竹鏡頭收購sigma and 新竹鏡頭收購sigma II were made easier than the 2004, 2005, and 2008 copies of those games, and that some of the level design, game items, story beats, and enemies were changed. The interview doesn’t address whether the data for the original 2004 version of Ninja Gaiden still exists, or if 新竹鏡頭收購sigma is really the only complete copy of the game in existence.
I’m still looking forward to playing all of these games again, possibly on my Nintendo Switch, but this is yet another example of why preservation in gaming is so important. These aren’t even particularly old titles, with the original Ninja Gaiden releasing on the Xbox just 17 years ago. But, regardless of age, gaming’s rich history is better off remembered by having those games around rather than wishing they still existed. Well, time to go clutch my copy of Ninja Gaiden Black and never let go.
我們想讓你知道…價格和 新竹鏡頭收購sigma 有得拚啊!
繼 新竹鏡頭收購sigma 發表自家 24-70mm f/2.8 大三元鏡皇後,先前流出圖片的 Tamron 24-70mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 也終於在今(6/30)日正式發表,其同樣主打標準焦距與 f/2.8 恆定光圈,但內置同級最高的 5 級防手震,以及新對焦技術等,Nikon 版將於 8/2 上市,Canon 則是 9/2 開賣。
Tamron 24-70mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 同樣有著 24-70mm 的焦段以及 f/2.8 恆定光圈,在外型首先迎來的改變,就是鏡尾採用香檳金塗裝增加質感,而鏡片結構為 12 組 17 枚,並內含 XR 高折射率、LD 低色散與 GM 玻璃非球面鏡片來消除色差、提升影像畫質外,也有新款 eBAND 奈米鍍膜防止鬼影與光斑反射。
▼Tamron 24-70mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 光學結構。(圖/翻攝自官網)
與 2012 年的版本相比,新版 Tamron 24-70mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 搭配之 USD 超音波對焦馬達,採用雙 MPU 微型電腦提升運算效能,可有效增加對焦速度;另外,也支援全時手動變焦,以及同級鏡頭最高的 5 級 VC 光學防手震、最近對焦距離 38cm 與 9 片圓形光圈葉片等機能。
▼此鏡最大的亮點,就是在於同級競品中最高的 5 級 VC 光學防手震,鏡尾也有新型香檳金塗裝。(圖/翻攝自官網)
其他規格部分,Tamron 24-70mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 尺寸 88.4 x 108.5(Nikon)/111(Canon)mm,重 900(Nikon)/ 950(Canon)g,比起 新竹鏡頭收購sigma 有著重量優勢,售價為 1,199 美金,約合台幣 36,689 元。
Tamron 24-70mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 重點特色
・適用於 Canon 與 Nikon 全片幅、APS-C 相機
・等效焦距 24-70mm
・恆定光圈 f/2.8,光圈範圍 f/2.8-f/22
・鏡片結構 12 組 17 枚
內含 XR 高折射率、LD 低色散與 GM 玻璃非球面鏡片
・9 片圓形光圈葉片
・最近對焦距離 38cm
・最大放大倍率 1:5
・內建雙 MPU 微型電腦的 USD 超音波對焦馬達,可提升對焦速度與準度
・尺寸 88.4 x 108.5(Nikon)/111(Canon)mm,重 900(Nikon)/ 950(Canon)g
新竹鏡頭收購 新竹鏡頭收購